If you have questions about this app or Facetiming Santa, the elves have the answers! FAQ. If you have questions about this app or Facetiming Santa, the elves have the answers!

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Absolutely! The Facetime-like video call is a live, real-time interaction with Santa. You will experience the magic of talking to Santa Claus instantly and in person, without any delays.

Safety is paramount in our 'Santa Claus call app'. We employ advanced AI to monitor conversations, ensuring they remain child-friendly and safe at all times.

Children and parents can have a video call with Santa Claus any time they want! No appointment needed. Here's how it works:

  1. The elves strongly suggest you check out the info on this FAQ page and watch the instruction video so you know how Santa chatting works.
  2. Once you are comfortable with how to video call Santa Claus, click on one of the Chat Now! buttons.
  3. You will be taken to a Shopify page to safely and securely pay for your chat. None of your financial information goes to
  4. You should now see on-page verification of your purchase...
  5. And you'll receive a unique Access code back on the SantaChatter website.
  6. The elves will then walk you thru the simple process of providing some basic, non-sensitive information to enhance your video call with Father Christmas.
  7. As part of the process, you choose the ethnicity and dialect of the Santa you want to talk with!
  8. When you are ready, the elves will help you test your device and connection from within the SantaChatter app.
  9. Once you are ready, tap on the microphone icon in the textbox to start talking with Santa. Tap the microphone once again after you are done talking for the moment. Then sit back and watch the Christmas magic unwrap!

In short, our 'Facetime Santa Claus' service is user-friendly and magical. Simply click on 'Chat Now', complete a secure payment process, answer a few questions and get ready for a delightful video call with Santa.

YES! Using leading edge AI technology, the elves will connect you with Santa from around the multi-verse (or, as the elves like to call it, the "Santy-verse")! You get to talk with the real Santa from one of the multi-verses (that is why there are so many Santa after all!)

You can have a live chat with Black Santa. You can speak to Asian Santa. You can have a live video call with Brown Santa. Or maybe you'd like a personalized call with White Santa. This is the best app to talk to Indigenous Santa live too!

The elves are still trying to contact Pacific Islander Santa. But otherwise, you can interact with Santa that looks like you and your children!

Your child's safety is our top priority. Personally identifiable information is not shared with Santa nor Indeed, sharing sensitive personal information is actively discouraged during the chat with Santa. (Santa likes to teach children about Internet Safety.)

Parents are strongly encouraged to be present during the chat with Santa. This is a fun, festive, family activity after all!

Certainly! You can record your "Facetime" call with Father Christmas to cherish the moment forever. Then share the joy of your children talking to Father Christmas with friends and family.

You can visit with Saint Nick at for as long as you like!

In case you were interested, the average interaction with Santa at a mall runs between two and three minutes, excluding photos. Virtual visits with Santa tend to average 15 minutes.

The cost of using our 'Call Santa App' is based on a per-minute rate, making it both affordable and flexible. You control your spending by choosing the duration of your call with Santa. Please refer to our pricing page for the jingle, jolly details.

While it is cheap to video call Santa, you cannot get a free phone call from Santa. Connecting to the Santy-verse is far from costless for the elves. 😉

This is such a jingle, jolly great question that the elves made a whole page to answer it: Prepare for your Santa video call.

Santa is always ready to chat! You can 'call Santa Claus' for a video chat any time that suits you. Our service ensures Santa is just a call away, 24/7. You can even start your chit-chat with Santa right now!

When you use the app, you do not have to schedule a time to talk to Santa. You set the time when you want to visit with Santa. You can even talk to Santa right now!

Yes, Santa can try to accommodate special requests. You will have a chance to mention anything special when you are booking your passport to the North Pole.

For a seamless 'Facetime Santa' experience, you'll need a device with a stable internet connection, speakers, and microphone. Most smartphones, tablets, or computers are perfect for a magical call.

Why, yes, you can! You can talk to Mrs. Claus. You can speak to your Shelf Elf. You can visit with Clumsy the Elf (Santa's silly rhyming Elf). You can even have a chat with Santa's reindeer!

And if you need a different take on Christmas spirit, you can have a chat with Santa's Grumpy Old Elf. Or, play a game of 20 Questions with a mystery Christmas Celebrity.

You can talk to one or all of them at (Click the link at the bottom of the page).

The elves are very busy this time of year but they will do their best to help you if you send them an email from the Feedback link at the bottom of this page.